I am glad to say that the constant pressure which I and others have been putting on the Uni over the last few years has resulted in a new attitude to vandalism by the Uni. It appears that students have been vandalising cars on Eastern Ave, again.
As a result of this and a high level of vandalism on campus, especially the damaging of newly planted trees the Vice Chancellor, Gordon Marshall, has issued each student with a warning letter. While it won't stop the vandalism in the short term, it does show a significant movement on behalf of the Uni, especially when compared to when I first started having dealings with them in the 90's.
The VC's letter is attached below.
Dear Student
Recent vandalism and criminal damage
I am taking the unusual step of contacting all students regarding a spate of vandalism that has occurred on campus since the beginning of term. The majority of students will not have been involved and I apologise for including them in this mailing. However, it appears that a small group of students are the perpetrators of these crimes, to the detriment of the University as a whole.
The main damage which has occurred is to the boundary hoardings of the Childs Hall demolition site along the pathway towards Foxhill Gate. Eighteen panels had to be replaced following the most recent incident. Newly planted trees have also been snapped in half and will have to be replaced. The damage to the hoardings compromises the safety and security of the site as well as costing the University money. I have also been contacted by local residents about criminal damage to vehicles in Eastern Avenue. This again appears to be linked to students either going to or returning from the 3Sixty club in RUSU.
Such vandalism is viewed very seriously by the University staff and the great majority of students themselves. It damages our reputation and requires us to re-direct limited resources to ensure that it doesn’t re-occur. Security services are increasing their patrols in the area and providing additional security signage along the demolition-site boundary. Anyone caught vandalising University or local residents’ property will be reported to the police and disciplined within the University according to our Regulations for Conduct.
It would be greatly appreciated if anyone witnessing such behaviour could report it immediately to Security Services on the emergency number: 0118 378 6300. Alternatively, if you have any information about previous incidents, please contact Security services: 0118 378 7799.
Thank you.
Professor Gordon Marshall,