Monday, 17 January 2011

Reading's Tories Stand with Wokingham's Tories

Reading Tory Cllr Isobel Balsdon supporting Wokingham's Tories
I have just come back from the Consultation meeting which Wokingham Borough Council held to hear residents views about their latest proposals for the Maiden Erlegh Catchment area.

I had a conversation with Cllr Rob Stanton leader of Wokingham Borough Council, who was completely committed to the plan. He really does believe that he is trying to do the best for Wokingham's and Reading's children.

It was a shame to see that Reading's Conservatives were supporting Wokingham Borough Council as you can see in the attached photo, Tory Reading Councillor Isobel Balsdon is see here supporting Wokingham's Tories as they work to exclude Reading's children from Maiden Erlegh.