Friday, 25 September 2009

An Evening Spent with Rahim Shah

Spent an evening with Park Ward's Pakistani Community a couple of weeks ago.

I was at a fundraiser for KORT, Kashmir Orphans Relief Trust. They were raising funds for an orphanage that they were building in Kashmir for children orphaned by the terrible earthquake in October 2005. They are doing great work and are on their way to building a home for over 1,000 children. I recommend their website.

As well as having the chance to listen to residents' concerns and show my support to this good cause. The trust had a star at the event in the shape of Rahim Shah, the famous singer from Pakistan. I was so bowled over by his singing I took some shaky footage on my phone, which I've uploaded for you to enjoy too.

I don't think that the images and quality do him justice, but perhaps give you a flavour of the evening.