Saturday 21 November 2009

I am very proud of my daughter

My Daughter picked up her GCSE certificates from Maiden Erleigh School this week. The school had arranged a presentation and I was really pleased to see the school making an effort to honour the efforts made by all its pupils.

Seeing her there made me reflect on the changes that have come to Reading in her life time. She started school the year of the Labour Victory and since then in the area we have seen a large extension to her Primary School built, and lots of new building at her Senior School.

Couple this with the hospital that she was born in, the Royal Berks being completely renewed, and still undergoing renewal and huge improvements in Reading, couple this with things like the Family Tax credits and a period of strong employment before the crash and sensible and strong steps taken to prevent the bank collapse becoming a melt down and you see that there is a lot of things that we should be proud of in our country. I think you can truely make the case that Labour has been good for Britain.