What a week it has been. I had planned to do some light tidying up after the election, however a reduction in the number of operative legs has slowed me down.
I probably mentioned that I fell off my bike early on election day. I came off at about 8.30 and my foot/ankle swelled up. It hurt like anything.
As it was so early I then had to knock on doors, deliver leaflets, knock on doors, walk around Newtown and St Peter's Road. In fact I think I walked around every road in the Ward. Hobbled around alot.
After polls closed I went home, changed and went to the Henley General Election count where I was standing as a paper candidate for the General Election. I was standing up until about 3.30 in the morning to receive the result, came third BTW, drove home. In the morning I went to a conference at the University, where I was speaking. Half way through this, I rode to the Rivermead for the count, got the result, rode back to Uni, gave my paper. Got home about 5.30. For various reasons I didn't get to A+E until this morning.
The result, a broken foot, apparantly in an odd bone, well that's politics for you, and 5 or 6 weeks in plaster. This will cut the campaigning down a bit, but I hope to be able to do a few things.