Thursday 15 October 2009
Education, Education, Edukation
This week has seen the Ofsted Inspectors at Alfred Sutton Primary School, where I am a Parent Governor.
The staff have all looked stressed and strained. I have been talking to the staff as I am in every day to try and assess their stress levels. They seemed to be bearing up well.
As a parent education is very important to me. My youngest daughter has just finished at Alfred Sutton and her year managed to post spectacular SATS results. I understand that her year's results were amongst the best ever. This is a testiment to how hard the school had worked over the last few years to build up the layers of knowledge that she needed to go on to Senior school. I have always been a fan of Alfred Sutton. It really reflects the community in which it is based and seems to give all children a good education.
My eldest daughter has just finished at Maiden Erlegh, where I have been less happy. She decided that she wanted to do her A Levels at Henley and I can understand her reasons. It seemed to me that Maiden Erlegh did not really capitalise on the good grounding that my daughter had received at Alfred Sutton.
So good luck to Alfred Sutton, ok I am biased as a Governor and Parent. I hope that the strain is bearable and that all the staff get to celebrate once the experience is over.
If you don't know anything about Alfred Sutton here's a link to the school website.