Monday 7 March 2011

Conservative Stealth Tax

I am a keen recycler and my wife is a keen gardener, Kath is responisble for our house in Hamilton Road being named the "Strawberry House" because of the huge crop of Strawberries growing in our front garden one year. All Kath's gardening and our grass cuttings create a lot of work for our Green recycling bin.

I was destressed to hear that Conservative administration have decided to charge me for my Green Bin. So now we see another of their Stealth taxes. A lot of Park on all sides of Palmer Park have a green bin. I already pay Council tax to have my bins cleared and now the Conservatives want me to pay twice for a service I already use.

We will of course be fighting this, however it is really annoying at this time when resources are short to be double charged. I encourage all Park's residents to write to the Council to complain and perhaps they will change their minds.