Thursday, 28 June 2012

So Gove wants a 2 tier exam system?

My CSE Certificate
Gove wants to bring back a 2 tier exam system, ditiching the GCSE for a return to O Levels and CSEs.

I was "fortunate" enough to be amongst the last pupils to study O Levels and CSEs. I remember the strain of knowing that I absolutely had to get CSE grade 1 for maths or I had failed. Simple as that we were told that anything less than a CSE grade 1 was a waste of time and you had failed. Finito, Schluss, End of.

I was lucky enough to get CSE grade 1 maths and some other CSE grade 1's with a few O Levels so could go on to do A Levels and eventually get to Uni.

BUT the eagled eyed amongst you will note that nestling cheekily amongst the CSE grade 1's I earnt at 16, I also scrapped a grade 2 Chemistry. I effectively failed Chemistry, it was a real shame but a combination of a cock up half way through school, indifferent teaching and a poor attitude meant that I fluffed not only the exam but also the course work. When I fill in forms I don't bother to put this grade on, as it is a fail, it does not recognise that I worked, it does not recognise problems in my school. It simply says fail.

The two tier system had spoken

Lobbying on Palmer Park

Quick update, I have been lobbying members of the RBC cabinet and councillors to try and help them understand East Reading residents' concerns about the "Micro" Park and Ride in Palmer Park.

While talking to Councillors I tried to point out the difficulties with the plan. They listened and promised to go away and think about the issue. I hope for a reaction soon.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Sometimes you have to disagree......

Sometimes you have to say that something is wrong.

In this case it appears that the council is planning to consult on whether the car park at Palmer Park can be used as a micro Park and Ride for about 200 cars. According to the newspaper result in this weeks Reading Chronicle there will be a special fare which includes parking and bus fare of £4.

As this is a consultation I have already written to the Leader of the Council and Lead Councillor for Transport to register my objections. I have been lobbying the Council all weekend to try and get Councillors to understand the depth of feelings of local residents.I urge all Park residents to object as well.

The bones of my objection are as follows:

1. Any plan which will need extra development in Palmer Park reduces the potential amount of green space in the area. I have consistently opposed encroachments to the open space, from fighting the Green Road development to working to protect the Alfred Sutton Field, to planting extra trees in the park.

2. In discussing it with friends it seems very difficult for RBC to differentiate local parking for local families who use the park on Saturdays in relation to a Park and Ride

3. The development of a P+R in the park will significantly increase the traffic in St Barts Rd and The Woky Rd while I suspect not having a significant affect on the traffic at the Junc.

4. The car park access road will effectively become a main road. This turns a basic access road in to something much more significant. This will create a serious road safety issue next to a childrens' play ground

5. Why should visitors pay £4 to park, when they can park at the top of the Woky road for nothing, in either Wokingham or Reading borough and get the bus for £1.70

So when the consultation comes out please feel free to object, I will.....

Friday, 15 June 2012

Worries About Alfred Sutton Field

The TVU site slowly turning in to a jungle
I have been asked about what is going on with the proposals for the new school at the old TVU site on Crescent Road.

As a result I am writing to Rob Wilson MP who was promoting the scheme what his take on it is, however what we can be sure of is that with Wokingham having campaigned to remove Reading's children from Maiden Erleigh and a growth in school numbers at Newtown and Alfred Sutton schools the need for more secondary places remains.

It is clear that Reading Uni has lost interest and is no longer willing to support the plan, it is also clear that a 14-18 school will not meet the needs of East Readings' children and especially those who currently attend, Redlands, Alfred Sutton, Newtown and St Johns and St Stephens.

Alfred Sutton Field from Crescent Road
One element of the whole plan that has caused the most disquiet, it being the wrong sort of school for the area apart, is what is happening on the field. Reading Borough Council does not own the whole field, only if my memory serves it only owns a wedge in the centre. It appears that the developer have planned, or may have even already sold off their part of the field to developers to offset the costs of the development.

I personally object to development on the field, in fact the first campaign I took part on was to prevent the overdevelopment of the Green Road site. I would urge all residents of East Reading to write to our MP to gt him to clarify the issue and to make it clear our opposition to the encroachment on our vital green lung.

Meanwhile the Crescent Road site is becoming evermore derelict with the grass at least 18" high.

How much higher will the grass get before locals and East Reading residents finally find out what is going on?

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Whiteknights Studio Trail

This weekend is Studio Trail Weekend, the annual chance to see what local artists are doing. Interestingly enough there aren't that many events in Park Ward, which is a shame. Even so there are plenty of venues close enough to walk to from Park.

Its a great day out, we always go out as a family, give it a go.

No More Ovedrcrowding

Family houses being bought up and turned in to student houses crammed full of people has long been a blight on Park Ward.

Shortly RBC will make it much more difficult for landlords to wreck a road. I know what its like living in a blighted road. I lived in Norris Rd with bullying landlords who did as they pleased and ignored the full time residents and the safety of their tenants.

The map shows the area that the Council have proposed making it impossible to change a property in to an HMO without planning permission. It covers Redlands, Katesgrove and part of Park. Residents will soon have the opportunity to object to the HMO's.

A good thing I say.